On the afternoon of November 18, the forum "Shared Human Values and Global Development" was successfully held at the International Fortune Center in Beijing. The forum was one of the Parallel Sessions of "Working Together for Global Development and Building a Common Future" of "2023 Tongzhou · Global Development Forum", hosted by Renmin University of China. This forum was specifically organized by the School of Marxism Studies and the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China. Focusing on the theme of "Shared Human Values and Global Development", the forum aims to respond to how China and the world can solve the questions of the century and the issues of The Times, and pool wisdom and strength for promoting global development, ensuring global security and promoting global civilization, at a crossroads under the great changes unseen in the world in a century.
Chinese guests including Qi Pengfei, Vice Chair of the University Council, Renmin University of China, Feng Ziyi, Peking University Boya Chair Professor, President of China Society of Hominology, Yang Jinhai, Former Secretary General of Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, Distinguished Professor of School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, Qin Xuan, Dean of the Academy of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristic for a New Era, Renmin University of China, Dong Zhenhua, Deputy Director of the Department of Philosophy of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance), Sun Bangzhu, Party Secretary of School of Marxism of Peking University, Wu Xiangdong, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Beijing Normal University, Zhu Andong, Dean of the School of Marxism of Tsinghua University, Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China, and Xi Ge, Dean of the School of Marxism Studies of Renmin University of China; Martin Jacques, former senior Fellow of Department of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom, Nakano Satoshi, President of Hitotsubashi University in Japan, Alan Freeman, co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group at the University of Manitoba in Canada and former principal economist with the Greater London Authority of Canada, Roland Boer from the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China and other foreign guests attended the forum. Zhao Gang, Vice President of Beijing Foreign Studies University, was invited to attend the forum. More than 50 people, including teachers and students representatives from Renmin University of China, attended the forum.
First Half of Parallel Session 1
The first half of Parallel Session 1 "Exchanges and Mutual Learning Among Civilizations & the New Form of Human Civilization" is hosted by Qi Pengfei. He stated that, President Xi Jinping promoting the shared human values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy, and freedom during the general debate of the 70th United Nations General Assembly. The shared human values is a common value for all mankind and also a noble goal of the United Nations. The concept of “the shared human values” embodies the wisdom and harmony of the Chinese civilization and the common pursuit of values of different civilizations. It has drawn the largest concentric circles for a world undergoing turbulence and change, and laid the foundation for building a community with a shared future for mankind. In today's world, mankind is faced with complex new situations, new problems and new challenges. To solve common problems, we need to call for common values. This common value needs to stand at the height of mankind and transcend the differences among different civilizations, systems, ethnic groups and regions, so as to provide the greatest common divisor of value for solving the common problems of global development.
Martin Jacques, a former senior researcher at the University of Cambridge, UK, has pointed out the value of exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations from the perspective of contrast between the Israeli Palestinian conflict and China's "the Belt and Road" initiative. He said the growing Palestinian-Israeli conflict today clearly demonstrates the failure of dialogue between different religions and cultures. China's Belt and Road Initiative for international cooperation precisely shows that developing countries benefit their people through openness, inclusiveness, exchanges and mutual learning, he said. Unlike the Western path of development, which deliberately excluded and exploited colonies, China is using the Belt and Road Initiative to help developing countries realize their own civilization development. In essence, China's approach shows respect for the diversity and richness of human civilizations. Acknowledging, listening, learning and appreciating other cultures and other civilizations is essential to our future development.
Feng Ziyi, Peking University Boya Chair Professor, President of China Society of Hominology, delivered a speech entitled "Chinese Modernization from Human Logic". He pointed out that Chinese modernization is mainly compared with Western modernization, and the fundamental difference between Chinese modernization and Western modernization lies in the difference of logic. Western modernization follows the logic of capital and focuses on capital, while Chinese modernization follows the logic of people and focuses on the people. Chinese modernization embodies the rich connotation of human studies. First, from the starting point and landing point of modernization, Chinese modernization takes realizing people's longing for a better life as the ultimate goal, and embodies the unity of law and purpose of human development; Second, from the perspective of the logic of modernization, Chinese modernization is carried out according to the specific content and requirements of human development; Third, from the essential requirements of modernization, Chinese modernization aims at the common prosperity of all the people and reflects the inherent requirements of human development. Fourth, from the mode of modernization, the Chinese style of modernization is gradual, historic and process-based, reflecting the unity of people as the goal and means of modernization.
Alan Freeman, co-director of the Geopolitical Economy Research Group at the University of Manitoba in Canada and former principal economist with the Greater London Authority of Canada, around the new concept of "creative industries", based on the current economic sector, the proportion of material goods production is lower than the production of spiritual goods. To explore the potential contribution of creative Labour to human development and economic governance. He pointed out that creative Labour, which is not mechanical Labour, has benefited from the development of information and communication technologies (ICT). The development of the creative industry has promoted the development of the service industry, and in the field of employment, the jobs that originally produced physical goods are gradually replaced by those that produced spiritual goods. In the face of the current situation that the development of the real economy such as agriculture and industry can no longer provide more jobs, the creative development of creative industries (software, science, education) can further improve people's labor productivity, and thus help to truly promote the development of modernization.
Yang Jinhai, Former Secretary General of Central Compilation and Translation Bureau, Distinguished Professor of School of Marxism at Tsinghua University, delivered a speech entitled "China's Plan for the Construction othe New Form of Human Civilization". He said that the idea of a new form of human civilization has historical inevitability, and the current capitalism-led form of civilization has seen more and more crises, and rethinking and defining civilization is the inevitable result of world development and China's development. The development of contemporary China, especially the construction of China's economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization, has brought hope for the construction of a new form of human civilization. The new form of human civilization is mainly about the "Chinese path for modernization". From the perspective of domestic development, the new form of human civilization is mainly reflected in the coordinated development of socialist material, political, spiritual, social and ecological civilization with Chinese characteristics. From the perspective of world development, the new form of human civilization is a new form of overall development of human society in the era of economic globalization, and a new path for peaceful development of mankind in the future.
Roland Boer from the School of Philosophy at Renmin University of China, delivered a speech on "Dialogue between Chinese and Western Excellent Traditional Cultures". Boer said that the dialogue between Chinese and Western cultures should adhere to the principle of accepting rejection and innovating the old. In the tradition of Western culture, there are three negative traditions: zero-sum game, chosen people and individualism. In response to the tradition of individualism, he said that the Western view of human society as simply a "collection of individuals" has destroyed the old Western assumption that all things are in common. The old value of "love thy neighbour as thyself" has become pure "love thyself". In fact, the old concept of everything in common can be a new way of thinking to reverse the direction of Western civilization. In digging deep into its own historical and cultural resources, Western societies must rely on all kinds of preserved old things to build new things, and then form new and different development ideas on the basis of "sublation".
Qin Xuan, Dean of the Academy of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristic for a New Era, Renmin University of China, made a speech titled "Practicing the Common Values of All Humanity in the Process of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Humanity". He said that the world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, and the development of human society is facing unprecedented challenges. To solve global problems, it is necessary to carry out global cooperation, build a community with a shared future for mankind, build a shared spiritual home and practice the common values of mankind. To translate the common values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom into reality, all sovereign states need to formulate policies to implement them. First, we need to cooperate for win-win results and promote peace and development for all countries in the world. Second, we need to respect each other and work together to build equity and justice. Third, we need to be open and inclusive to jointly build freedom and democracy. Finally, he pointed out that practicing the common values of mankind is not only the responsibility of individual sovereign states, but also the shared responsibility of all scholars, and we need to deepen theoretical research on the common values of mankind to provide theoretical support for the practice of the common values of mankind.
Second Half of Parallel Session 1
The second stage of the this forum "Building a Global Community with shared Future for Mankind and Global Development" was moderated by Zang Fengyu, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Renmin University of China. He said that in the face of the fierce turbulence in the world political and economic order, he tried to get out of the all-round risks and crises, and thought deeply about the destiny of mankind, the future of the nation and the future of civilization. We need to face up to the historical fact of various ethnic groups exploring the path of civilization progress, pool the common value of global civilization progress, open up a new situation of coexistence and common prosperity among diverse civilizations, and further strengthen the dialogue between Chinese and Western philosophies and civilizations. Only by recognizing and respecting the essence of different ideologies and cultures in the world, and forming cultural synergy on the basis of mutual understanding and learning from each other, can we solve problems in the process of global development and forge the cultural foundation of the community in shaping the future of mankind.
Dong Zhenhua, Deputy Director of the Department of Philosophy of the Party School of the CPC Central Committee (National Academy of Governance),, delivered a speech entitled "Chinese Wisdom with the World in Mind". He said that China's continuous history and culture of more than 5,000 years fully embodies the historical and realistic rationality of Chinese civilization and Chinese wisdom. The world today cannot solve the common problems facing human development without seeking resources from China's wisdom, he said. First, the Chinese people's world outlook and methodology provide Chinese solutions to human problems. Second, the Chinese understand the world and approach life with an attitude of harmony between man and nature. This systematical way of thinking is different from the reductionist way of thinking in the West, which is absolutely antagonistic. It emphasizes bearing in mind the whole world in state-to-state relations, rather than a zero-sum game. Third, the Chinese gentleman's way of seeking common ground while reserving differences is embedded in the world outlook of harmonious coexistence. This world outlook is embodied in the construction of world order, which is embodied in the pursuit of the common good.
Sun Bangzhu, Party Secretary of School of Marxism of Peking University, focused on "What is the significance of Jointly promoting global development for the destiny of mankind?" "What are the efforts to promote global development?" "What actions should we take to promote global development?" Three questions made keynote speeches. She said that the significance of jointly promoting global development to the destiny of mankind is reflected in four aspects: First, jointly promoting global development is the inevitable choice to respond to current challenges; second, jointly promoting global development is the inevitable choice to change the unbalanced, unjust and unreasonable economic order of global development since industrialization; third, jointly promoting global development is the inevitable choice to progress of human civilization; Fourth, jointly promoting global development is the inevitable choice to achieve sustainable development of all countries, including developed countries. In addition, jointly promoting global development mainly focuses on four aspects: global economic development, sharing achievements in scientific and technological development, harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and the problems of poor countries and poor groups in the world. Finally, in terms of actions to jointly promote global development, first, we need to change our development thinking and form a new concept of development. Second, we need to take concrete actions, build a shared development model, jointly promote global development and build a community with a shared future for mankind.
Wu Xiangdong, Dean of the School of Philosophy of Beijing Normal University, delivered a keynote speech on "The Conceptual connotation of the Common Value of all mankind". The concept has a threefold dimension when understood philosophically. Second, "Common Values for all Mankind" is a theoretical concept with a high degree of contemporary practice. It is not only a response and answer to the questions of the world and The Times, but also a theoretical grasp of the practical experience of contemporary mankind. Third, "common values for all mankind" is a new concept of civilization that transcends universal values. Universal values are linked to the western capitalist mode of production and are manifested in the principles of abstract reason and Western centrism, while common values for all mankind highlight dialectical reason, relational thinking and community principles, reflecting a constructive civilization and providing value guidance for the innovation of a new form of human civilization.
Zhu Andong, Dean of the School of Marxism of Tsinghua University, delivered a speech entitled "Community of Shared Future for Mankind in a Changing World". He said that in the face of complex changes in the current world, it is of great significance to hold high the common values of mankind and the banner of a community with a shared future for mankind. First, in terms of global development, mankind shares a common destiny. Second, the community of shared future for mankind is currently facing major challenges. World capitalism is Mired in a systemic and institutional crisis, such as the post-2008 economic stagnation, the national debt problem, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the political crisis of Western democracy, the crisis of Western mainstream culture, and the collapse of the Western-led international system, which are hindering the construction of a community with a shared future for mankind. Third, in the face of the problems and challenges of building a community with a shared future for mankind, we still need to work hard to build a community with a shared future for mankind and replace the logic of capital with the logic of human beings.
Nakano Satoshi, President of Hitotsubashi University in Japan, delivered a speech entitled "Jointly Promoting Global Development, Building a Common Future". He said that the great acceleration of population growth, industrialization and globalization since the middle of the 20th century has also brought about rapid changes in the development of the natural world and human history. The great acceleration of human activities is mainly led by the development of modern industrial countries. At the same time, man's impact on the Earth system has come mainly from the developed countries. This reflects the global inequity between the development of developed and underdeveloped countries. Therefore, we need to balance the right to development of the global environmental crisis, especially the right to development of countries in the global south and economic growth. At present, faced with the common issues of global economic development and climate change, universities around the world have the responsibility to work together, strengthen exchanges and build consensus.
Xi Ge, Dean of the School of Marxism at Renmin University of China, delivered a speech entitled "Marxist Thought on World History and Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind". He said that Marxism classical writers' thoughts on world history reveal the dual logic inherent in world history: the logic of capital and the logic of nation-states. This dual logic contains contradictions in three aspects: first, the social space contradiction between the capital logic breaking through the space boundary and the nation state maintaining its own power boundary; second, the social structure contradiction between the global expansion of the capital logic and the internal stability of the nation state; third, the contradiction between the global confrontation and the social action of the nation state maintaining its own political order stimulated by the capital logic. In order to master the above dual logic, it is necessary to base on the development of nation states and open the vision of a community of shared future for mankind beyond the logic of nation states. It is necessary to rationally utilize and control capital logic and capital, and promote the sublation of capital logic itself; Seize a series of intermediary points of interdependence between the logic of capital and the logic of nation states, and guide the pattern of human interdependence from spontaneous to conscious according to the situation, so that the logic of capital and the logic of nation states can serve the construction of the community of human destiny and the development of socialism to the maximum extent.
At the closing ceremony of the first "2023 Tongzhou · Global Development Forum" held later. Qin Xuan reported the discussion results on behalf of the forum "Shared Human Values and Global Development".
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